

Can we take Homeo and Ayurvedic medicines together?

Homeopathy is a system of treatment based on the “Law of Similars”. A homeopathic remedy is prepared using extremely dilute concentrations of substances derived from natural products (such as herbs, animals, minerals, etc.) and their chemical constituents. Homeopathic remedies are often called ‘medicines’ since they are taken orally. However, they do not have any toxic effects and do not interact with conventional medications. 


Homeopathic treatments are safe and effective and may help treat mild ailments like colds, flu, headache, fever, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, cough, skin rashes, etc.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian science of medication and longevity based on holistic principles. It advocates the use of medicinal plants and herbal preparations to keep the human body fit, healthy, and disease free. In addition to these principles, Ayurveda includes the concept of three basic senses of humor - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which are believed to control the functioning of the body. These three senses of humor, along with diet and exercise, are said to determine one's personality. There is no standard protocol for diagnosis and treatment in Ayurveda.

 The combination of Homeopathy and Ayurveda is known as Homeo-Ayurveda. We bring this practice together to make sure that you get the best out of both systems. As well as offering our unique blend of Homeo-Ayurvastra at our clinic, we also offer Ayurveda consultations, where we work with you to understand your individual requirements. Our team of experienced practitioners can provide consultation services either in person or over the phone.

We combine these two therapies to give you a comprehensive approach to your wellbeing.

1. Homeopathy and Ayurveda have been used for centuries as alternative medicine. They both work on similar principles but there is no scientific evidence proving their effectiveness.

 2. You may soon be able to combine the two together. We found out how they work and what benefits they offer when combined together.

 3. Homeopathic Medicines & Ayurvedic Medicines - What do these terms mean?

 4. Homeo is A natural substance that has healing effects, like plants or minerals.

 5. Ayurveda is An ancient Indian science of living that focuses on prevention and wellness through diet, good habits, and lifestyle choices.

 6. How do Homeo and Ayurvedic medicines complement each other?

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