1. Air pollution affects your body at the cellular level. Polluted air causes oxidative damage to DNA and RNA, causing mutations. These mutations lead to cancerous cells and contribute to chronic disease.
2. Air pollution increases asthma symptoms. Asthma is caused by inflammation of the airways, which makes breathing difficult. People with asthma have higher levels of free radicals (oxidants) in their bodies than people without asthma. Free radicals cause inflammation and can trigger asthma attacks.
3. Air pollution contributes to cardiovascular diseases. Exposure to pollutants can increase blood pressure and heart rate. The increased blood flow may result in clogged arteries. In addition, particles can travel deep into the lungs and reach the bloodstream. Particles in the bloodstream can block arteries and cause atherosclerosis.
4. Air pollution is linked to respiratory infections. Breathing polluted air can irritate the nose and throat, making it easier for viruses and bacteria to infect the lining of the respiratory system.
5. Air pollution exacerbates allergies. Allergies are complex conditions involving many factors. Among them, allergens are chemicals or substances that trigger allergic reactions. When pollutants enter the body through the lungs, they may stimulate immune responses and make the body become hypersensitive to allergens.
6. Air pollution increases diabetes risks. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or the body cannot use the insulin it produces properly. Insulin helps the body metabolize sugar and fat, so not having enough of it can cause high levels of glucose in the blood and put you at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Exposure to air pollution can disrupt normal insulin production, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
7. Air pollution is associated with certain cancers. Many types of cancer begin in the cells of the skin. Studies show that exposure to air pollution may cause skin cancer. Cancer cells need oxygen to survive. If the environment lacks oxygen, then cancer cells often die. Chronic exposure to air pollution can deprive the body of sufficient oxygen, which can increase the chances of cancer.
8. Air pollution contributes to lung disease. According to the EPA, air pollutants contribute to about 90 percent of cases of acute bronchitis. Other studies suggest that poor air quality may play a role in causing emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
9.Air pollution worsens mental illness. Mental illnesses affect millions of Americans. A recent study shows that air pollution may worsen bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood swings that range from extreme depression to mania. Researchers believe that chemical changes in the brain caused by air pollution account for these mood shifts.
10. Air pollution is linked with neurological disorders. Exposure to air pollution may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists think that inhaling air pollutants triggers inflammatory processes in the nervous system and brain that eventually cause Alzheimer’s-like damage.
11. Air pollution can cause premature death. Every year, air pollution kills hundreds of thousands of Americans prematurely. Children, older adults, pregnant women, and those who suffer from heart or lung problems